An Assessment of Pb and Cu in Waters, Sediments, and Mud Crabs (Scylla serrata) from Mangrove Ecosystem Near Tanjung Api-Api Port Area, South Sumatra, Indonesia

Rozirwan, Aning Puji Saputri, Redho Yoga Nugroho, Nadila Nur Khotimah, Wike Ayu Eka Putri, Fauziyah, Anna Ida Sunaryo Purwiyanto


Heavy metal pollution from anthropogenic activities can harm aquatic ecosystems. This study aims to determine the concentration of heavy metals (Pb and Cu) in waters, sediments, and mud crabs (Scylla serrata), and to analyze the relationship between environmental parameters and S. serrata consumed by humans. Samples were taken in the mangrove ecosystem around the Tanjung Api-Api port area in South Sumatra, Indonesia. Pb and Cu analysis used the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Pb and Cu linkages in waters, sediments, and S. serrata analyzed by SigmaPlot V12.5 and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) analyzed by XLSTAT 2022. The limit consumption of S. serrata was calculated using MWI (Maximum Weekly Intake) and MIT (Maximum Intake Tolerance). Based on the results, the heavy metal Pb in water was 0.1055 – 0.1322 mg.L-1, and Cu was not detected. Furthermore, Pb in sediments ranged from 7.0104 - 11.8186, Cu 3.7127 - 4.5347, and Pb in S. serrata ranged from 0.0001 - 0.0021, and Cu ranged from 0.03 – 0.0791 The concentration of heavy metals in water, sediment, and S. serrata had not exceeded the specified quality standard, except for Pb in water. The principal component analysis obtained F1 (44.35%), F2 (27.53%) and F3 (17.83%) groups. Based on MWI and MIT value, it showed high quality which concluded S. serrata was still safe for human consumption.


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Rozirwan (Primary Contact)
Aning Puji Saputri
Redho Yoga Nugroho
Nadila Nur Khotimah
Wike Ayu Eka Putri
Anna Ida Sunaryo Purwiyanto
Rozirwan, Saputri, A. P., Nugroho, R. Y., Khotimah, N. N., Putri, W. A. E., Fauziyah, & Purwiyanto, A. I. S. (2023). An Assessment of Pb and Cu in Waters, Sediments, and Mud Crabs (Scylla serrata) from Mangrove Ecosystem Near Tanjung Api-Api Port Area, South Sumatra, Indonesia. Science and Technology Indonesia, 8(4), 675–683.

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