Majority Voting as Ensemble Classifier for Cervical Cancer Classification

Anita Desiani, Endang Sri Kresnawati, Muhammad Arhami, Yulia Resti, Ning Eliyati, Sugandi Yahdin, Titania Jeanni Charissa, Muhammad Nawawi


Cervical cancer is one of the deadliest female cancers. Early identification of cervical cancer through pap smear cell image evaluation is one of the strategies to reduce cervical cancer cases. The classification methods that are often used are SVM, MLP, and K-NN. The weakness of the SVM method is that it is not efficient on large datasets. Meanwhile, in the MLP method, large amounts of data can increase the complexity of each layer, thereby affecting the duration of the weighting process. Moreover, the K-NN method is not efficient for data with a large number of attributes. The ensemble method is one of the techniques to overcome the limitations of a single classification method. The ensemble classification method combines the performance of several classification methods. This study proposes an ensemble method with the majority voting that can be used in cervical cancer classification based on pap smear images in the Herlev dataset. Majority Voting is used to integrate test results from the SVM, MLP, and KNN methods by looking at the majority results on the test data classification. The results of this study indicate that the accuracy results obtained in the ensemble method increased by 1.72% compared to the average accuracy value in SVM, MLP, and KNN. for sensitivity results, the results of the ensemble method were able to increase the sensitivity increase by 0.74% compared to the average of the three single classification methods. for specificity, the ensemble method can increase the specificity results by 3.4%. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the ensemble method with the most votes is able to improve the classification performance of the single classification method in classifying cervical cancer abnormalities with pap smear images.


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Anita Desiani (Primary Contact)
Endang Sri Kresnawati
Muhammad Arhami
Yulia Resti
Ning Eliyati
Sugandi Yahdin
Titania Jeanni Charissa
Muhammad Nawawi
Desiani, A., Sri Kresnawati, E., Arhami, M., Resti, Y., Eliyati, N., Yahdin, S., Jeanni Charissa, T., & Nawawi, M. (2023). Majority Voting as Ensemble Classifier for Cervical Cancer Classification. Science and Technology Indonesia, 8(1), 84–92.

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