Science and Technology Indonesia
A Peer Reviewed Research Journal of Science and Technology
p-ISSN: 2580-4405 e-ISSN: 2580-4391
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Aldes Lesbani, Ph.D
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An international Peer-review journal in the field of science and technology published by The Indonesian Science and Technology Society. Science and Technology Indonesia is a member of CrossRef with DOI prefix number: 10.26554/sti. Science and Technology Indonesia publishes quarterly (January, April, July, October). Science and Technology Indonesia is indexed by SCOPUS and Sinta 1 from Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Republic Indonesia No. 164/E/KPT/2021.
Journal Commencement: October 2016
Science and Technology Indonesia is an international scholarly journal in the field of science and technology aimed to publish a high-quality scientific paper including original research papers, reviews, short communication, and technical notes. This journal welcomes the submission of articles that cover a typical subject of natural science and technology such as Chemistry, Pharmacy, Physic/Applied Physic, and Mathematics.
Current Issue
Vol. 10 No. 1 (2025): January
Upcoming Issue
Vol. 10 No. 2 (2025): April